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Editor Pitch Email Template Generator

Once you've found a website you want to write for, you'll want to get in touch with the editors and pitch them some great content. We built a free tool that will help you put together and generate a proven and effective email that will help you catch the attention of an editor and help you become an author at that site.
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What is the purpose of this tool?
This tool will help you take all of the information that editors are looking for, and put it into an email that is straight to the point, easy to digest, and isn't spammy. Our staff runs and operates dozens of websites, and we get hit with guest post pitches constantly (and most aren't very good). We save the good ones that catch our attention, modify and improve them as we see fit, and include them as templates in our tool. This way, you can quickly and easily have a great email ready for editors just by entering in your information and clicking "Generate".
How do I know that these outreach emails will work?
You don't; there's always a chance that the editor won't respond. This could be for a number of reasons; they are very busy people, and get hundreds of emails like these per week. You may need to follow up to this email every week or two to get a response. These emails are based off of hundreds of editor pitches and are the ones with the highest response rates. There is a good chance that they will respond, especially if you follow up with your email occasionally.
Is using this tool better than writing my own pitch email to editors?
It certainly can be. Our tool has all of the right ingredients of a successful outreach email, and they are carefully thought out and revised by a team of people. These emails are short and to the point, not overly-promotional, personable, includes an article right out of the gate (which significantly increases your chance of a response), and shows a legitimate interest in writing for their site. Most emails we've seen may look good at first glance, but editors will send them to their junk mail as soon as they read them. We know what editors are looking for, and what they try to avoid, and these email templates were created with these points in mind.
There's something I don't quite like or that I need to change within this template.
That's okay; in fact, its recommended that you change up the output from our tool at least a little bit. Once you click into the field to copy your template, simply modify the text to your liking, and then copy it into your email. This is just text, so you can modify it any which way that you'd like. With our tool, you'll at least have a great starting point and the majority of the effort done. You'll also be able to rotate through a few different templates and see which style suits you best.
Will you be adding more templates in the future?
Yes, we will periodically add more templates to this tool. If you have any requests, or if you'd like to submit a template of your own for us to consider, feel free to drop us a line on our contact page.