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List of Sites Accepting Guest Posts

We've scraped thousands of high quality blogs and have put together the ultimate list of sites accepting guest posts. We work hard to keep this list the most complete and updated list of publishers on the web. These publishers are organized in an interactive table so you can sort results with ease.
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Why would I pay for a list when there are other lists for free?
Our list of publishers that accept guest posts has thousands of entries in it, whereas the largest list on Google has a few hundred websites. We carefully prune our list of any dead or inactive sites, and focus only on high end publishers. We're adding publishers to this list weekly, and we're proud to have the most updated and complete list of sites accepting guest posts on the internet. Every website we add to this list is inspected by our team and added manually. This means that this list is curated by us, and not simply a bulk copy/pasted list of websites and blogs. Our subscribers help us pay for our outreach efforts, where we connect with publishers and add the ones that accept guest contributions to the list.

Lastly, by becoming a PRO subscriber to our site, you're not just paying for a list; you're unlocking every tool and resource on our site. This includes our tool that helps you scrape blogs that accept guest posts; simply type in a keyword or niche, and our tool will start finding contact pages of websites that accept guest posts.
How can I use this list?
There's a handful of ways you can use this list. The most popular way is to drop lines through the contact forms on these sites to send your pitches. If any of the publishers like your content, you can quickly and easily become an contributor on some large websites.

You can use the "Quick search" feature to search within the list (e.g. typing in "Marketing", "Free", or ".com"). This will help you locate publishers that meet your criteria and narrow your search.

You can also click the titles at the top of each column to sort the columns by alphabetical order.
How was this list compiled?
This list is constantly growing, and we find publishers through a variety of sources. We scrape search engines for sites accepting posts with our in-house scraping tool, available on our "Tools" page. We also email new websites weekly to see if they accept guest contributions, as there are many quality sites that accept contributions but don't mention it to the public. This list is carefully pruned and curated by us; only quality websites are added. That means that this is not simply a large list that we copy and pasted; every entry is manually added, one by one, by our team. The final list is a quality resource of sites that are worth writing for.
How often is this list updated?
We update this list periodically with new publishers that we've found that accept guest posts. The frequency varies; some months we update it dozens of times in a single week, and other months we might only update it once or twice in a week with a large batch of new publishers.
I have a site I'd like added to this list. Can I give it to you?
Unfortunately our list is curated by our team, and every publisher is chosen by us, one by one. We currently don't take outside requests to add websites to our list.