Monthly Archives: September 2017

The Top 10 Reverse Guest Blogging Techniques

At first glance, you might think this is a pretty standard article, and you might gloss over it for that reason. Just ten techniques for guest posting, that’s fine, nothing really original but whatever… wait. What the Heck is Reverse Guest Posting? Reverse guest posting is a term coined a few years back in a […]

Can You Get Free Press on Large News Websites?

Is it possible to have your brand, your app, your event, or your service featured on a large news site for free? If so, it would mean an avenue with immense potential for traffic, for sales, and for exposure. When I talk about large news sites here, I’m not talking about industry sites. I don’t […]

Are Big Brands Paying Agencies for Guest Posts?

Google doesn’t like money having an influence on SEO. There’s not a lot they can do about it, of course; money means the ability to pay for the best tools and hire the best people, invest in better audits and larger infrastructures, and it gives large companies access to avenues others might not, like partnerships […]