Monthly Archives: July 2016

How to Send Bulk Blogger Outreach Emails Without Spamming

Spam is a dirty word. Whether you’re talking about the semi-real meat product or the act of sending unwanted emails and other messages through online communications, spam leaves a bad taste in most people’s mouth. So bad that the U.S. government had to create an entire Act in 2003 that specifically addresses the illegality of […]

Your Guest Post Pitch Was Ignored – Now What?

All hail the life of the blogger. The individual that spends countless hours researching their topic, diving into real-life experience of said topic, writing into the night about that very same topic, and finally publishing something of value to the internet about the topic. At least, that’s the ideal blogger. The one who’s doing everything […]

25 Free Alternatives to Google’s Keyword Research Planner

When it comes to search engine optimization, keywords are integral. They are the literal word that any piece of content should be founded upon, because they’re the precise word that a user will input into the Google search bar when looking for information. Linking these two — people’s queries with your website — is what […]

Can Guest Blogging for Link Building Get You Penalized?

The world of link building, also known as backlinks, is a tricky one. On the one hand link building serves as the cornerstone of Google’s search algorithm, and therefore it’s the primary way humans find information online. On the other, it’s also the reason most websites get the dreaded Google penalty. It makes sense that […]